The effect of palm oil waste and engine oil on soil chemical properties at post planting was presented.
The application of
hydrocarbons slightly increased the soil pH, organic carbon, organic matter,
sodium, exchangeable acidity and reduced % base saturation, available
phosphorus, nitrogen, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and effective cation
exchange capacity compared with the control.
However, available phosphorus,
total nitrogen, and base saturation were statistically significant at 0.05% probability
level compared to other chemical parameters whose values were not statistically
The pH value of the
soil ranged from 5.90 to 6.20 which implied that the soils were slightly acidic.
The pH level of soil inhibits microbial activity depending on its concentration
in the soil.
However, it has been observed that considerable inhibition of microbial activities occurs between the pH range of 4.5 to 8.5 and its optimal degradation occurs at pH 7.4 (Verstrate et al., 1975).
The total nitrogen
was also statistically different from zero at 0.05% probability level. However,
the highest concentration of nitrogen was recorded in the soil contaminated
with engine oil compared to control and the mixture of engine oil and palm oil
waste contaminants with least concentration of nitrogen recorded in palm oil
contaminated soil (0.126mg/kg-1).
These findings are consistent with the findings of Ujowundu et al., (2011) who studied the biochemical and physical properties of diesel-contaminated soil in Southeast Nigeria and found that increase in nitrogen could be attributed to the nitrogen content of refined gasoline fuel.
Hydrogenium (pH) (H2O)
However, it has been observed that considerable inhibition of microbial activities occurs between the pH range of 4.5 to 8.5 and its optimal degradation occurs at pH 7.4 (Verstrate et al., 1975).
Phosphorous (Av.P) (Mg/kg)
Available phosphorus
was statistically significant at 0.05% and varied between 27 to 37.50mg/kg-1
with the highest value at engine oil contaminated soil (37.50 mg/kg-1) and the
least value in the soil with the mixture of engine oil and palm oil waste
contaminants (27.40 mg/kg-1) compared to control with the value of 41.00mg/kg-1.
However, the degree of concentration of phosphorus in both soils was low
compared the control (41 mg/kg-1).
The acceptable range of 1000 to 2000 mg/kg-1
as recommended for agricultural soils (Afshin and Moore, 2007).
Read Also:Effects hydrocarbons (engine oil and palm oil waste) on soil physical properties.
Nitrogen (N) (%)
These findings are consistent with the findings of Ujowundu et al., (2011) who studied the biochemical and physical properties of diesel-contaminated soil in Southeast Nigeria and found that increase in nitrogen could be attributed to the nitrogen content of refined gasoline fuel.
When compared to the control, the application of hydrocarbons marginally improved the soil's pH, organic carbon, organic matter, sodium, exchangeable acidity, lowered% base saturation, accessible phosphorus, nitrogen, calcium, potassium, and magnesium levels.