Draw The Curtains (Daily Devotionals)

ISAIAH 43:18-21
KEY VERSE: “Remember ye, not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert," (Isaiah 43:18, 19).

The axiom that whoever sits down to recount his past failures and disappointments increases his sorrows holds true. Life is not about the number of times we reflect on the past; it is being able to identify our past misdeeds and make amends, to secure a glorious future.

Our text deals with God’s unfathomable love and mercy towards Israel. At this time, they had sinned against God through idolatry, disobedience and several other abominations.

Read Also: The Purpose Of The Law (Daily Devotionals)

They disobeyed His commandments and went into spiritual harlotry. In fact, they disregarded God’s warnings through His prophets, who revealed the danger that awaited them as a rebellious stiff-necked people.

The Israelites, however, had allowed their present circumstance to blur their vision. And they were quick to forget the past victories God had given them. Even then, God’s mercy remains inexhaustible.

Anytime they repented and returned to Him, He assured them He would do something new in their lives that would never be compared to the wondrous things He had done in the past. But they were not to dwell on the past because they were to experience a new time of forgiveness, blessing, restoration and God’s abiding presence.

I call believers who have gone away from the Lord to return to Him. I expect people who have not experienced the saving grace and power of Christ to repent and accept Him as their personal Lord and Saviour.

Together, we are to be witnesses of the grace of God and the great provision He has made for the reconciliation of the lost world. This we will do if we take our minds away from our past failings and disappointments.

Remember, Your future is ahead and not in the past.


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