Oxford Advanced Learner’s dictionary (2001) defines environment as the conditions that affects the behaviour and development of somebody or something. Environment is connected with the natural conditions in which people, animals and plants live.

Pollution: is the introduction of contaminants into the environment that discomfort to the physical systems or living organism. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances, or energy such as noise, heat, or light energy. The elements of pollution can be foreign substances or energies when naturally occurring. There are considered contaminants when they exceed natural levels. It is often classed as point source or non-point source pollution.
Pollution in Nigeria is of various forms according to Adeyinka, Bankole and Solomon (2005). These include:
Sheet erosion, gully erosion, coastal marine erosion and land subsidence which occur particularly in the coastal area.
Flooding occurs in Nigeria in three main forms: Costal flooding, river flooding and urban flooding. Air pollution from spills, oil well blowout, oil ballast discharges and improper disposal of drilling mud from petroleum prospecting and so.
Public relations principles recognize that a pro-active approach is the best philosophy for addressing issues that lead to crises, by using the regular planned and sustained programme of communication which is consistent communication and thoughtful planning. The public relations practitioner is better prepared to encounter environmental problems and issues with a measure of calm and success. Tools for pro-active management are information, knowledge and communication. A massive education and enlightenment campaign. 

This is aimed at informing and educating and sensitizing the public (s) on the impact of environment pollution, causes of environmental degradation and devastating activities on the environment and its effect on human existence. Using public relations strategies communication which is unraveling faced with the challenges of unraveling and simplifies the complexity of environment issues to ensure sound understanding among the stake holders. Using skills of innovation, creativity adaptability, imagination and decision making.
The working group members should be established to address the prioritized environmental issues. UNCHS (1996), a working group (WG) an international and cross sectional group established to address any environmental issue of concern. They are to be seen as a forum where ideas are generated, resources are mobilized for project implementation and a plat form for information sharing.
The committee will keep track of developments, events and records and to ensure that there are no deviations from set goals and objectives. The committee will also have the capacity to monitor and inform the stakeholders on the issues at stake.
Identification and Prioritization of Environmental Issues 
It involves the bottom-up planning process that consists of carrying entire stake holders along. The stake holders are those whose interests are affected. Those who expertise, and those who control relevant implementation instrument. All the stake holders should be invited to join in the planning process. Stakeholders include private individuals, informal organizations, local government professional bodies and international agencies. 
These are also incorporated   to focus on several major environmental issues, providing a forum for discussing of future development, so that there would be effective collaboration through public meetings, consultation and working sections.

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